Friday, October 24, 2008

Saturdays Class Plan

Tomorrow I will do a brief presentation about taking photographs at International Friendship Day and also in the Permafrost Tunnel. I want to explore why it was difficult to take photographs at International Day and what we can learn from our experiences.

I also want to talk a little about new trends in the RAW/JPEG controversy. There are new trends developing that might cause us to re-evaluate the idea that RAW is always best.

We also will do the required faculty evaluations.

You also will have a little time to prepare for the presentations.

The presentations will be made using the video projector in the room so you should have a way to share the files online or to bring the files up to the display computer.

When the presentations are completed the class will be over.

November 1st will be the last day to submit work for grading. I will total all the points and submit the grades November 3rd. I will not be able to submit the grades online so that will not show up on UAOnline until they are posted by the registrars office.

I have enjoyed this class, I learned a lot and enjoyed the communication and sharing. I loved seeing the diverse and unique expressions of the joy of photography. I had a lot of fun teaching this semester.

Thank you for sharing the experience.


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