Friday, October 10, 2008

One Picture - Three Changes

Using Lightroom
I made these three.

The first is the untouched

The black and white Photo (2nd)
1. Set the image to gray scale with no other adjustments on that palet.
2. When back to the Basic palate and set the following
A. Temp = 6688
B. Tint =-91
C. Exposure = +.15
D. Recovery = 45
E. Fill Light = 64
F. Blacks = 65
G. Brightness = +69
H. Contrast = + 75
Creative Presets – Direct Positive - Lightroom (3rd)
Hand tuned (4th)
1. Adjust the HSL Luminance
a. Orange = -100
b. Yellow = -96
c. Blue = -85
2. Basic
a. Temp = 5650
b. Brightness = +50
c. Contrast = +25

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