Friday, November 09, 2007

Week 9 Project by Kathy Adams

Above is the original photo without any changes.

Photo Edit 1: Because one of my desires is to make a cd of photos using the King James version of the Bible, I edited the above photo following these steps:

1.) Rotated photo to the right 2.) Cropped in on my main subject 3.) Filled in the distracting background with the clone tool 4.) Resized to make it fit better as a screen saver 5.) Added text

Photo Edit 2: Because I have many friends and family who want me to send them my photos and photo creations, I used the exact same photo above but resized it so I could send it through the e-mail and not fill up their mailboxes.

Photo Edit 3: To make a photo to post on my webpage I took the original photo and made these changes:

1.) Rotated the picture so candle was straight 2.) Cropped in on the subject 3.) Filled in the background to take out the distracting things 4.) Used the lighting filter to make the vignette effect around the corners 5.) Resized for web use

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