Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Why do I take photographs?

Taking pictures has always been a way of documenting an event or place, being able to capture that moment in time that would otherwise be lost forever in the cracks of the mind. I love to scrapbook, and work on creating the storybook effect on my life and my family’s lives covering pertinent events and happenings. It is also great to be able to get those candid shots and be able to email them out to my parents and brothers to keep them apprised and involved in my live and vise versa(as a aunt to five beautiful kids I love receiving pictures as I only get to see them maybe once a year). Recently I have begun taking pictures for our campus and I am trying to get those pictures that capture the essence of our students and the campus surroundings. I hope to create that positive image that draws students, faculty, partners, and funders to our different campuses whether it is in person or completing the story or maybe even telling the story. I have not been as successful as I want to be which is partly why I am taking this class,

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